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Friday 28 January 2011

Gryffe Weddings

Why Should I Book A Wedding Videographer?
by Gryffe Weddings, Professional Wedding Videography.

A question I often get asked when I am exhibiting at wedding fayres, is ‘Why do I need a wedding video? I’ve already booked my wedding photographer.’ There are many answers to this question.

First of all, a good wedding video isn’t just a moving version of your wedding photographs. Your photographer, and videographer; although they may seem to be using similar tools of the trade are both using very different skills and techniques to achieve their intended goal. Often, your photographer will need to get you and your guests to do a series of poses throughout the day, which is necessary, if you want them to capture all the usual poses you associate with wedding photography. So on your wedding day, you may feel quite aware of the photographer going about his work, if he is occasionally having to give guests instructions to ensure he gets their poses just right. He’s only doing his job that you’ve booked him to do.

A wedding videographer on the other hand, is usually a bit more discreet and less noticeable on the day. Usually they will be concentrating on capturing all the little moments that may be happening with guests and family enjoying themselves, and the bride and groom when they are a bit more relaxed, and aren’t striking a pose for the camera.

When I deliver the finished version of a wedding video to a newlywed couple, one of the most common bits of feedback I always get is how great it is that I’ve managed to capture so many different things throughout the day that both the bride and groom completely missed. Everyone always says that their actual wedding day flies past so quickly in a blur; that they are so grateful to be able to watch back the video of the day, and see all the things they missed first time round.

If your wedding video is filmed & edited professionally, when you watch it, it will bring back all those amazing emotions and feelings you had on your wedding day, in a way that no photo album ever could. After all, no matter how good a photograph is, it doesn’t allow you to listen to your wedding vows over again, or hear the music while watching your first dance again. A video is the only way you will be able to watch and listen to all the speeches in the evening again.

Booking a wedding video with Gryffe Weddings  also means you can get each of your guests to leave a video guestbook message later on in the evening. Which depending on the amount of champagne consumed earlier in the day, can result in anything ranging from the most touching message from a loved one, to the most ridiculous song and dance routine from a work colleague! Both of which will bring a tear to your eye, for different reasons!

So in answer to the above question those brides always ask me. You should book a wedding videographer as well as a photographer, not as a replacement. Your wedding video will be something that you can watch over and over for years to come, it will instantly transport you back to your wedding day, bringing back all the amazing feelings and emotions you had throughout your wedding, making you laugh, and cry all over again.

At Gryffe Weddings, I am always happy to hear from couples who are wanting a truly unique wedding video created for them. Once I have received a booking, I will work with the couple to ensure I find out their tastes in music, and what sort of style of video will suit them best.

If you are interested in finding out more about what wedding packages Gryffe Weddings have on offer, and would like to check availability for your wedding date, get in touch with me on or check my website for other ways to get in touch:

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